Port forwarding in Termux (Android) using Ngrok | :
Assalamu-Alaikum Friends and welcome to my blog.
so friends in this article i am gonna show you how to port forword in Android via termux using Ngrok without Router (no-root) . i hope you like this article .
what is Ngrok :-
Ngrok is a multi platform reverse proxy tunneling tool / software .we can use this tool for port forwarding in windows ,mac OS x,Linux,Termux (Android)
How TO Install Ngrok In Termux :-
First Download Termux App from Play Store
➤ Now you need to visit Ngrok website and sing up (create account)
➤ Then login into your Ngrok Account and go to the download section and download Linux (ARM) .
➤ Now open Your Termux terminal & go to your Download folder & move the ngrok
file to the termux home directory
mv ngrok /$HOME
➤ Now go to ngrok website and login
➤ after login, copy your access token, then paste this token in your termux terminal & hit enter
Assalamu-Alaikum Friends and welcome to my blog.
so friends in this article i am gonna show you how to port forword in Android via termux using Ngrok without Router (no-root) . i hope you like this article .
what is Ngrok :-
Ngrok is a multi platform reverse proxy tunneling tool / software .we can use this tool for port forwarding in windows ,mac OS x,Linux,Termux (Android)
How TO Install Ngrok In Termux :-
First Download Termux App from Play Store
➤ Now you need to visit Ngrok website and sing up (create account)
➤ Then login into your Ngrok Account and go to the download section and download Linux (ARM) .
➤ Now open Your Termux terminal & go to your Download folder & move the ngrok
file to the termux home directory
mv ngrok /$HOME
➤ Now go to ngrok website and login
➤ after login, copy your access token, then paste this token in your termux terminal & hit enter
➤ installation process is finished.
➤ Now type ./ngrok
How To Port Forward / Open Ports on Termux using Ngrok
use this command to forward Port ./ngrok http 80
You can use Here tcp 4444 ,443,8080,22,23 port also
OK.. I Hope You are Understand ....
Thank You,
Sumber https://termuxtutorials.blogspot.com/