Termux Neofetch - command line system Information tool
Every android,Linux etc. devices contains its information means its specification such as operating system,host, kernel version, system up-time, packages (dpkg), shell, terminal, CPU information, Memory details, model, Resolution, Theme, Icons, GPU Information, Font, Ram etc.we can find out these information by simply open the setting and go to about section and their some information is present. Another way is open up your play store and download system information viewer etc.
installation :
If you want to know your system specifications using Terminal such as Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Termux then you need to install a package called neofetch using apt install neofetch command or apt-get install neofetch
Every android,Linux etc. devices contains its information means its specification such as operating system,host, kernel version, system up-time, packages (dpkg), shell, terminal, CPU information, Memory details, model, Resolution, Theme, Icons, GPU Information, Font, Ram etc.we can find out these information by simply open the setting and go to about section and their some information is present. Another way is open up your play store and download system information viewer etc.
installation :
If you want to know your system specifications using Terminal such as Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Termux then you need to install a package called neofetch using apt install neofetch command or apt-get install neofetch
usage :
After the installation of Neofetch package in termux simply type this command neofetch --help to know all the help commands of this neofetch tool.Now type neofetch in termux terminal or other Linux OS Terminal to run this package. It gives you a system information/Specification present in your device.
Sumber https://termuxtutorials.blogspot.com/
After the installation of Neofetch package in termux simply type this command neofetch --help to know all the help commands of this neofetch tool.Now type neofetch in termux terminal or other Linux OS Terminal to run this package. It gives you a system information/Specification present in your device.
Sumber https://termuxtutorials.blogspot.com/