Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Paling Efektif
4/ 5 stars - "Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Paling Efektif" Pada postingan sebelumnya telah dijelaskan bahwa penggunaan Present Continuous Tense ialah untuk menceritakan sebuah insiden yang sedang ber...

Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Paling Efektif

Pada postingan sebelumnya telah dijelaskan bahwa penggunaan Present Continuous Tense ialah untuk menceritakan sebuah insiden yang sedang berlangsung pada ketika yang sama disaat kita menceritakan insiden tersebut.
Setelah mempelajari semua hal wacana Present Continuous Tense, kini kita akan mencoba berlatih pemahaman kita wacana Present Continuous Tense.

Change the following sentences into positive, negative or interrogative form!

Pay attention to the example below:

(+) Andri is listening to the news on the radio now.
(-) ______________________________________
(?) ______________________________________

The answers will be:
(-) Andri is not listening to the news on the radio now.
(?) is Andri listening to the news on the radio now?

1. (+) Mr. Daniel is fixing a television.
(-) __________________________
(?) __________________________

2. (+) ________________________
(-) Denis isn't singing in the studio.
(?) __________________________

3. (+) _________________________
(-) ____________________________
(?) Are they trying to move that cabinet?

4. (+) __________________________________
(-) I am not counting the cars in the parking area.
(?) ____________________________________

5. (+) __________________
(-) ____________________
(?) Is she ironing her clothes ?

6. (+) Mom and Dad are visiting grandpa today.
(-) __________________________________
(?) __________________________________

7. (+) __________________________________
(-) _____________________________________
(?) Are those students yelling at the security guy?

8. (+) _________________________________
(-) My friends aren't gathering in the yard now.
(?) ___________________________________

9. (+) Putra is downloading some videos from youtube now.
(-) _____________________________________________
(?) _____________________________________________

10. (+) ___________________
(-) ______________________
(?) Is he leaving his job today?

11. (+) A good policeman is helping students across the street.
(-) _______________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________

12. (+) Laila is cutting some vegetables in the kitchen with her mom.
(-) _________________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________________

13. (+) __________________________
(-) Dadi isn't welding the handlebar this time.
(?) __________________________________

14. (+) ______________________
(-) __________________________
(?) Is the sun shining brightly today?

15. (+) Nova is doing her selesai examination this moment.
(-) __________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________

16. (+) He is wasting his time by playing online game all day long.
(-) __________________________________________________
(?) __________________________________________________

17. (+) _____________________________________
(-) ________________________________________
(?) is Professor Roni showing his new innovation on the seminar today?

18. (+) _____________________________________
(-) I am not saying that I know everything about you.
(?) ________________________________________

19. (+) My sister is graduating from university today.
(-) ______________________________________
(?) ______________________________________

20. (+) ______________________________
(-) _________________________________
(?) am I reading the same articles as you do?

21. (+) ______________________________
(-) Yosep isn't attending the opening ceremony now.
(?) ______________________________________

22. (+) Mr. George is knocking on the door now.
(-) ___________________________________
(?) ___________________________________

23. (+) Randy is collecting the woods in the backyard.
(-) ________________________________________
(?) ________________________________________

24. (+) I am teaching Present Continuous Tense to the students now.
(-) _________________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________________

25. (+) _________________________________
(-) Christopher isn't packing his clothes this time.
(?) _____________________________________

26. (+) ______________________________
(-) _________________________________
(?) Are we sticking in the traffic jam right now?

27. (+) _________________________
(-) ____________________________
(?) Is Mss. Linda preparing the dinner now?

28. (+) ___________________________
(-) Eri and Rosi are not feeding their pets.
(?) ______________________________

29. (+) Andre is typing some documents for his father now.
(-) ____________________________________________
(?) ____________________________________________

30. (+) They are directing the guests to the lobby.
(-) ____________________________________
(?) ____________________________________

31. (+) _______________________________
(-) She is not operating computer this moment.
(?) __________________________________

32. (+) ______________________________
(-) _________________________________
(?) Are they checking the spare parts in the warehouse now?

33. (+) __________________
(-) He is not asking for money.
(?) _____________________

34. (+) We are carrying the supplies for the refugee in the camp.
(-) ____________________________________________
(?) ____________________________________________

35. (+) ________________________________
(-) Mr. Smith is calculating all of the cost needed.
(?) ____________________________________

36. (+) ________________________________
(-) The wind is not blowing the leaves all over the place.
(?) ____________________________________

37. (+) Anna is playing piano in the living room now.
(-) _______________________________________
(?) _______________________________________

38. (+) ______________________________
(-) _________________________________
(?) Is the plane flying above the buildings now?

39. (+) ____________________________
(-) _______________________________
(?) Is a helicopter hovering above my house now?

40. (+) ____________________________
(-) An American soldier is not spying on the oil ship.
(?) _______________________________

Translate these sentences into English!

1. Zaki sedang memikirkan wacana apa yang telah terjadi padanya hari ini.

2. Maria sedang membeli buah-buahan dari pasar sekarang.

3. Apakah Bella dan Yuni sedang mencetak foto liburan mereka?

4. Dimas tidak sedang merekam aktivitas di kelas ketika ini.

5. Apakah kucing itu sedang memanjat pohon?

6. Herman sedang mematikan semua komputer di laboratorium sekarang.

7. Witha sedang menangis alasannya ialah kakinya terluka.

8. Para penjaga toko tidak sedang menutup toko mereka ketika ini.

9. Apakah mereka sedang bangun di atas jembatan sekarang?

10. Aku tidak sedang duduk di depan televisi ketika ini.

Congratulations! You just have finished your exercises.