how to install kali nethunter in termux without root
4/ 5 stars - "how to install kali nethunter in termux without root" how to install Kali nethunter in termux without root welcome, In this article i will show you how to install Kali Nethunter in Termux app...

how to install kali nethunter in termux without root

how to install Kali nethunter in termux without root

welcome, In this article i will show you how to install Kali Nethunter in Termux app.

Kali Linux Net-Hunter 

This is open source project for android penetration testing for android devices.It supports Wireless standard 802.11 frame injection, Evil access, MITM (man in the middle)attacks.It consist of all Kali Linux tools including information gathering, forensic, vulnerability scanners and detectors, social engineering, reverse engineering, networking, web testing, password attacks, exploiting, sniffing, spoofing etc.
we can easily install Kali Linux Nethunter in Android device via Termux application and without rooting. follow these steps .

Install Kali nethunter in Termux

so first you need to install Termux app from Google Play store and install and open it.And first update using apt update && apt upgrade command and install some basic requirements packages one by one.
apt install git
apt install curl

Now download the script using this command

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux/master/kalinethunter

now change the permission of this script using chmod +x * command and Execute this command to install Kali nethunter ./kalinethunter

start Kali nethuner by typing this command startkali
after starting kalinethunter you need to execute a command (only for first time after installation) so after startkali. execute this command apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6

Now its time to update apt-get update

Thank you,

Sumber https://termuxtutorials.blogspot.com/